Language Assessment
English Language Training Services
There are free English classes available in Southeast Saskatchewan for all levels – from Beginner to Advanced, part-time or full-time classes, according to your needs. You will learn to speak, write and read English through these classes. The classes are offered through different organizations and funded and supported by Federal or Provincial governments and have different eligibility criterias. The following list is a summary and updated list of free English classes offered at Southeast Saskatchewan:
- Beginner English Classes
- Advanced English Classes
For further information about the services available at Southeast Saskatchewan region or English Assessments (test) please scroll down or contact us.
English as Another Language (EAL) Classes
The southeast region of Saskatchewan has experienced a significant increase in immigrant residents over the last few years, creating a need for English language training. In response to that need, Southeast Regional College offers English as Another Language (EAL) training and resources for permanent and temporary residents. EAL programming is available in Estevan, Weyburn, Oxbow, Kipling and Redvers. All new students are assessed on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to determine whether they would benefit from Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced classes. To register for classes, please call Southeast Regional College EAL Coordinator, Katie Burham at 306-637-4928 or kburham@southeastcollege.org
Spruce Ridge School
321 Spruce Ridge Drive
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:30- 9:30pm
Language Circle
Must Register
6:30pm- 9:30pm
Estevan (EAL Literacy Program)
Southeast College Campus
532 Bourquin Rd
Phone to inquire
Southeast College Campus
633 King Street
Mondays & Thursdays
6:30pm- 9:30pm
Language Circle
Must Register
6:30pm- 9:30pm
Family Circle Estevan & Weyburn
Phone to inquire
Literacy Support Centers for Newcomers and Literacy Learners:
Estevan Centre
Estevan Public Library
701 Souris Ave.
Weyburn Centre
Weyburn Public Library
45 Bison Ave
The participants can take part in one or more of these classes according to their need and availability.
Eligibility Criteria:
These classes are available to recent immigrants and Canadian citizens who:
- are at least 18 years of age;
- have been in Canada no more than 8 years since date of first arrival;
If temporary residents:
- have a work permit valid for at least two months after the assessment date;
- have a student permit valid for at least two months after the assessment date; or,
- are the spouse or adult dependent of an individual under paragraphs (i) or (ii), and have a visitor’s permit valid for at least two months after the assessment date.
- have not received a CLB assessment within the last twelve months; and,
- are seeking to participate in a provincial English language program.
For further information please contact Southeast Newcomer Services at 306-637-4920.